Saturday, July 26, 2008

Staycation Atlanta - Part 2: Mayfield and Stone Mountain

On Tuesday we continued our adventure with trips to the Mayfield Dairy (ok so it sounds really boring, but was quite interesting.)

They did not allow pictures inside, but we did have Ice Cream at the end of the tour, so here are a couple of pics:

Daddy and the Girls:

Mommy and the girls:

Later that afternoon, we went to Stone Mountain.


Emily hung out at the Blacksmith shop:

At the top of Stone Mountain, Hannah acted like she was on the moon:

I took the opportunity to act like Charlton Heston...

YOU BLEW IT UP!!!!!!!!!!! WHY???????????? NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

We braved some rain and thunder, but survived, and got to see the laser show. All in all, it was a great day!!

Back with more later today.


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