Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wii Fit Revolution

As most of you by just talking to me for a few minutes, I love the Nintendo Wii.

One of the most innovative things about it is the fact that it makes you move to play many of the games.

The fine folks at Nintendo have taken this to a whole new level with Wii Fit

Wii Fit actually gets you up and give you a work out.

I can personally vouch that this is no game. It is a real workout.

It all centers around the Wii Balance Board:

This innocuous looking piece of plastic is a very accurate instrument that measures weight and balance. It is the center of all the activities.

Included are:
  • Aerobics
  • Yoga
  • Strength Training
  • Balance Games
Overall, I am sore and have dropped a pound or two. I am committed to it, and hope to see more results.

I'll keep you posted.


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